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Creation Nation Featured in New Hope's 11 Hunger-Busting Bars and Bites

How truly fun to once again be featured by New Hope Network as they unbox their favorite 11 hunger-busting bars and bites!

In this article, New Hope Network identifies innovative brands and products that stand out from the typical protein bar market, and also feature unexpected add-ins that have some functional benefits, too.

Portable meals and snacks provide us with the benefit of a functional option for eating on the go, and our innovative DIY no-bake protein bar and bite mixes allow you to "slay hunger when preparing a meal isn’t an option."

From our selection of five delicious protein bar mixes, New Hope Network showcases our newest flavor, PB & Jelly Get In My Belly, "A make-your-own protein bar mix in a classic PB&J flavor. This dairy-free, no-bake bar takes just minutes to make."

Thank you New Hope! Check out the article here

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