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PB & PlayDate Protein Balls

Shoutout to all you busy moms out there who take the extra time to create fresh, homemade snacks for your little ones. What if there was a quick and easy way to make healthy snacks for your kids, that's also a fun activity as a Play Date and big hit when hosting one?

Well, good news! Our newest Protein Bar Mix flavor, PB & Jelly, is the perfect base for your next snack making "PlayDate" with peanut-butter-loving Kids. It's also the one that instagram influencer & cookbook author @RachLMansfield says she's "obsessed" with. (Truthfully so are we!)

This recipe will give you all of the classic flavors you love from traditional PB & Jelly, but with high protein (organic & plant-based), more fiber, no preservatives, no gluten, and no refined sugar... plus it's certified Vegan and Gluten Free!

As always, this recipe is no-bake & easy as a protein shake™! Your kids aren't just going to love the taste of these fresh & healthy treats, they're also going to love rolling these snack balls and taking pride in what they've created. 

So grab a buddy and have a ball making these PB & PlayDate Protein Balls



  • Mix, Roll & Have a Ball!  Makes 24. Store sealed & chilled


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