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Adaptogenic Superfood Bliss Ball Recipe

Spring into Spring with Adaptogenic Superfood Balls!

This is the year of #SelfCare and #SelfLove and to celebrate this amazing movement, we've come up with some tasty Adaptogenic Superfood Bliss Ball recipes with Creation Nation No-Bake Mixes! 

For those of you who may be scratching their heads wondering what on earth an Adaptogenic Superfood is, here are some basics...

What's an Adaptogen?

An adaptogen is a plant substance that helps the body's ability resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning.   

SO basically, adaptogens help reduce stress and leave you feeling balanced. Add in some superfoods (high nutrient value) and that's a match made in heaven!

Try these no-bake recipes on today's stress free and delicious super-menu... 

Schisandra Beauty Bliss Balls 

Paleo Energy Bite Mix 
1/3 cup coconut butter
1/2 cup organic berry juice

Mix and roll 24 Balls. Then dust* with schisandra berry powder

* Using a "Sifter" allows you to dust all your bliss balls quickly and lightly. Have you tried this? So fun using gadgets! 

Health Benefits of Schisandra:
  • Lowers Inflammation
  • Supports Adrenal Function, Helping Us Deal with the Effects of Stress
  • Improves Liver Function & Digestive Health
  • Protects the Skin
  • Improves Mental Performance

    Cocoa Rose Tulsi Bites

    Paleo Energy Bite Mix 
    1/4 cup strongly brewed Tulsi Rose tea  
    1/4 cup date syrup 

    Mix and roll 24 balls.

    Health Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil):
    • Fights against hormonal Acne
    • Protects Against Diabetes
    • Helps Fight Cancer
    • Balances Hormones and Lowers Stress
    • Relieves Fever
    • Helps Improve Respiratory Disorder
    • Good Source of Vitamin K

      Golden Turmeric Coconut Balls

      Vegan Energy Bite Mix 
      1/2 Cup Ghee Butter
      1/2 Cup Rebbl Golden Milk (or homemade)

      Mix and roll 24 balls

        Health Benefits of Turmeric:
        • May Slow or Prevent Blood Clots
        • Reduces Depression Symptoms
        • Fights Inflammation
        • Boosts Skin Health
        • May Outperform Common Arthritis Drug
        • Could Prevent Certain Cancers
        • May Help Manage Diabetes
        • May regulate cholesterol

          There are dozens of adaptogens you can add to your bliss balls. The important thing is finding the right combinations for your needs. If you have a super recipe, we'd love to try it out! Please share via the link above. xoxo

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