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Food Navigator + Creation Nation on ‘creating a new category’ with no-bake protein bar mixes

Sending big "thank you's" to Food Navigator USA for featuring Creation Nation in an article about creating a new category that empowers you all to make fresh, no-bake bars & bites at home in minutes.

We're proud to have created the world's first Protein & Energy Bar Mixes and truly believe "at any grocery store, supermarket store that carries protein bars, this should be an option." That is our dream, we're making it a reality!

The atmosphere at Natural Products Expo West was energizing, and we had such a great time meeting fellow vendors and attendees like Food Navigator. Such an honor to be interviewed! We also couldn't be happier with the response received about the Creation Nation brand, including our newest flavor:  PB & Jelly Get In My Belly.

Read more from our founder, Karen Nation, and the journey to creating a new category in protein bars in the Food Navigator USA article here.

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