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Breakfast Protein Balls | No-bake Recipe Video

But first, BALLS. That's our morning mantra, and when you try this Breakfast Protein Balls recipe, you'll be feeling it too! ;) Quick, healthy, delicious, and easy to take on the fly to work, school, or wherever you want to power your day. 

These Breakfast Protein Balls will keep you fueled with 8-9g protein per serving, organic superfoods, good fats & fiber, grain free, soy free, and no additives or preservatives. Paleo, Vegan, plus a Keto option too! Check out our easy recipe video...


  • 1.5 heaping cups Creation Nation Energy Bite Mix "Cocoa for Coconuts" 
  • 1/2 Cup Coffee (cold or room temp) OR Milk OR Mashed Banana (for a touch of sweetness)
  • 1/2 Cup Nut Butter (crunchy)


In a medium bowl, mix & mash all ingredients with a fork. Then roll mixture into 12 to 24 balls. That's it!  Store sealed & chilled. 

PRO TIP:  The quality of your coffee will affect the taste. Please keep in mind if your coffee is too acidic, bitter, or not fresh, the protein balls may not taste as good.

protein balls breakfast ideas power breakfast protein bites creation nation energy bite mix Costco protein bite mix Creation Nation protein balls energy bites breakfast bites keto vegan paleo protein balls

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