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Caramel Apple Energy Balls

We can’t get enough of these scrumptious No-bake Caramel Apple Energy Balls! Your family will love them in their lunchbox, for breakfast or an after-school snack. So easy, even kids can make them in minutes. Award-winning nutritious snacks with a fresh homemade taste. Perfect for Fall vibes and using some of those apples you picked ;) 🤠🍎


Creation Nation, Energy Bite Mix
1/2 cup applesauce 
1/2 cup caramel cashew butter (or nut butter of choice). We used Octonuts 

Mix, roll, have a ball! Makes 24. Store chilled & sealed.

#glutenfree #plantbased #caramelapple #applepicking #energybites #overnightoats #snackideas

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