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Creation Nation on Good Morning America

Hi Friends! Did you catch Good Morning America today with Good Housekeeping's Best Snack Awards?? They shared a few Best Snack Award winners, including our No-bake Energy Bite Mix! School snacks kids love to get their hands on :)). We are so grateful to have the opportunity to introduce our delicious nutritious snacks to families across the nation, and see Creation Nation innovation in the news!

For their Best Snack Awards, thousands of items are submitted to Good Housekeeping. Creation Nation Energy Bite Mix was a standout amongst fierce competition :)). Of the dozens of brands that won in their category, only a select few were featured on Good Morning America today...

Perfect for back to school, five of Good Housekeeping's 2023 Best Snack Award winners, including Creation Nation's No bake Energy Bite Mix, were featured on Good Morning America by Registered Dietician Stefani Stassos, and anchor Robin Roberts. If you missed it, here is the link or you can watch it streaming! “It’s NO BAKE” #energyballs #proteinballs #snackideas

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