Why do monkeys love bananas?? Because they have appeal!
We've gone bananas for Chunky Monkey bars balls & bites and you will too! With extra potassium, fiber and natural sweetness, adding mashed bananas to your favorite Creation Nation No-bake Mix means you're not monkeying around when it comes to clean and yummy nutrition for your family!
These healthy & quick to make snacks are the perfect protein bars for your kids to take to school or enjoy after activities. Plus they'll love making them with you!
- Primal Protein Bar Mix
- 2/3 Cup Mashed Banana
- 1/4 Cup Grass-Fed Butter or Nut Butter
- Vegan Protein Bar Mix
- 1 Cup Mashed Banana
- 1/2 Cup Crunchy Nut Butter
- Vegan Energy Bite Mix
- 1/2 Cup Mashed Banana
- 1/2 Cup SunFlower Butter
- Paleo Energy Bite Mix
- 2/3 Cup Mashed Banana
- 1/3 Cup Coconut Oil or Nut Butter
* One small to medium banana is approx 1/3 cup. Three bananas approx 1 cup.
Mix with a fork, press into a pan, and cut 8 bars (or roll 24 balls). So easy a monkey can... 🐒🍌 #proteinbarmix