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Creation Nation collaboration with Together We Rise

Talk about snacks made with love! I'm beyond excited to share Creation Nation's collaboration with Together We Rise...
If you heard my story on ABC’s Shark Tank, CBS’s The Talk, or have previously read my bio, then you know that I grew up in foster homes for a time and how that steered my path towards health & nutrition. I’m grateful for the enormously supportive response after sharing my story on Shark Tank, and wanted to first say thank you to those who wrote to me and also those who quietly cheered me on! 
One such wonderful person who reached out was Max Lowy, director of development at Together We Rise, a non-profit dedicated to transforming the way youth navigate through the foster care system in America. 
I’m thrilled to announce Creation Nation is collaborating with Together We Rise to raise awareness and help improve the lives of children in the foster care system!
Creation Nation is donating 10% of our sales from June 28th to August 18th for BACK TO SCHOOL. Please stock up for the summer while it’s too hot to bake, and help us help foster kids across the nation. 
One thing I remember vividly about my foster years is that I wasn’t given a lunchbox or lunch money for school. If I wanted to eat, the school provided me with a bright pink punch card (for kids in the system). Between the unmistakable color and distinct sound of the hole puncher, it was impossible to go unnoticed. So, to avoid embarrassment and bullying, I simply didn’t eat lunch, or ate a candy bar. This caused problems focusing in class, health issues, and even more shame. 

Fast forward to today! I built Creation Nation to offer healthier, fresh protein bites without all the sugars, additives, preservatives, and unhealthy oils. I wanted people to be empowered to easily create their own nutritious snacks at home, with superior ingredients and affordability. Plus, I really hoped families could create impactful memories in the kitchen.

With almost 500,000 kids in the foster system, please consider donating to Together We Rise or stocking up on Creation Nation to show your support...

If you missed Barbara Corcoran's interview on CBS’s The Talk where she shared her experience working as a house mom with foster kids, and inquired in The Tank about my time in foster care, please watch the clip below and let's spread awareness about this important topic!...  XO Karen Nation

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