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Protein Bar Mixes are now at Thrive Market! Hooray!!

What a perfect way to start off the New Year! We couldn't be more proud & excited to launch Creation Nation's award-winning Protein Bar Mixes with mission-based retailer, Thrive Market. Just in time for your 2017 resolutions!!

We love & share one of the same missions as Thrive: "to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone". That value is why we created no-bake, minute-to-make Protein Bar Mixes...We raise the bar with higher quality nutrition, superior taste & freshness, and empowering personalization, all at a fraction of the price of pre-made bars in wrappers!!

AND as a Thrive Market member you'll save 25% or more on every purchase. (They even offer free samples of coconut oil that you can make the bars with). When you join, you are also sponsoring a free membership for a Low-Income Family, Veteran, Teacher, or Student.

Creation Nation couldn't be more elated to align with a heart-driven retailer like this. Amazeballs!!!

Hooray! Creation Nation and Thrive Market
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