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No-Bake Birthday Cake Protein Bites

Hey summer birthday babes, here's a birthday recipe that allows you to have your cake and eat it too! Grab your fave sprinkles, and party with festive protein bites. Fresh, vanilla-butter-creamy and sooo delicious! (Grain Free)

These Birthday Cake Protein Bites are no-bake & minutes to make, so you can whip them up right before your party, make them for a friend, or for yourself. Hey, it's your birthday and you deserve it! 


  • Chocolate Chip Protein Bar Mix
  • 2 Tbls Maple (optional)
  • 1/4 Cup Vanilla Ghee 
  • 1/2 Cup Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1/4 Cup sprinkles 

With a fork, mix everything together in a mixing bowl. Use an ice cream scooper to scoop birthday bites or roll into balls. Voila! (Store sealed & chilled) 

Happy Birthday!!

birthday cake protein bar birthday protein bar protein bar with sprinkles chocolate cake protein bar birthday cake protein balls birthday protein balls cake & ice cream protein bites birthday protein bites perfect birthday cake protein bars balls bites no bake birthday cake protein balls party protein bars birthday cake protein bar recipe sprinkles

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