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No-bake Chocolate Keto Cookies

Happy National Keto Day! We can't think of a better way to celebrate than these No-bake Keto Cookies the whole family will love. No added sugar, full of organic plant-based superfoods, gluten & grain free... and tastes like a decadent chocolate coconut treat. Win win win!

Follow our 30-second recipe video or the instructions below for No-bake Chocolate Coconut Keto Cookies. We used Macadamia Coconut Butter in our video, but you can use any type of coconut or nut butter that suits your dietary needs.


  • 2/3 cup coconut milk or water
  • 1/2 cup coconut or nut butter
  • Creation Nation, No-bake Energy Bite Mix
  • Optional - chocolate chips

Mix with a spoon or fork, and roll into bite-sized balls. So easy! So yummy!


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