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No-bake Chocolate Chip Pancake Cookies

Breakfast pancake cookies to the rescue! With so much going on in the kitchen over the holidays, we love this quick & easy, one-bowl, no-bake cookie recipe that's perfect for breakfast, and oh so yummy!

Simply add our chocolate chip No-bake Mix with your favorites pancake fixings:  milk, butter, and maple. Our founder made them live on IGTV which you can watch here. Or follow the recipe below for our No-bake Chocolate Chip Pancake Cookies.


  • Creation Nation, No-bake Energy Bite Mix 
  • 1/3 Cup Milk
  • 1/3 Cup Butter (soft) or Ghee
  • 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup


  1. Mix ingredients together in a medium sized bowl with a fork.
  2. Use a cookie dough scooper or silicon molds to shape your cookies (we used in the recipe video). Makes 18 to 24.
  3. Chill until firm (about 20 to 30 mins). Store sealed & chilled.

You'll love having these handy in the fridge to grab for breakfast or a snack. And there's only one bowl to clean up, which means no messy pans, griddles, or blender to worry about. Enjoy!

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