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No Bake Cheesecake Superfood Cookies

Inspired by Erewhon's $20 celebrity super smoothies, we went EXTRA with these stunning pink superfood cookies! The same ingredients but in snackable form... with a heavenly taste with an almost fudge-like texture and just the right sweetness and zing for a no-bake cheesecake bite. 

Featuring Creation Nation No-bake Cookie Mix, this recipe is gut healthy, grain free, gluten free, and refined sugar free too. And just like Erewhon Market's smoothies, we added your favorite superfoods like:  sea moss, collagen, organic dragonfruit and cultured cottage cheese. All ingredients are at Erewhon Market throughout Los Angeles California, including Creation Nation Mixes. 

While it's a great way to save money on snacks by adding water & your favorite nut butter to our protein & energy bite mixes... these balls are worth the bling & bragging rights next to smoothie influencers like Bella Hadid and Jay Shetty!

No Bake Cheesecake Superfood Cookies

  • Creation Nation No-bake Cookie Mix (coconut vanilla bliss)
  • 2T Dragonfruit Powder (Pitaya Foods)
  • 1/4 cup Marine or Bovine Collagen Powder
  • 1/3 cup Cultured Cottage Cheese (Good Culture)
  • 2T Cultured Ghee (Ancient Organics)
  • 2T Local Malibu Honey
  • 1T Sea Moss Gel (Erewhon)

With a fork, mix & mash all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl, but folding in the cottage cheese last. Roll 16 balls or use a spring-release cookie scoop, and freeze for 30 mins. Store chilled & sealed in a container. Preferably a glass one so you can bask in their colorful beauty everytime you open your fridge :))


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