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No-bake Nice Cream Pie

No-bake NICE CREAM PIE with chocolate 'crust' & coconut cream topping... The pie of your summer dreams!! Move over sugary banana cream pie & ice cream cake, there's a new summer babe in town ;)

Chocolate, Bananas & Coconut are showing off some real pie-zazz in this recipe for national ice cream month. Not only is Creation Nation's Nice Cream Pie scrumptious, but it's Paleo, grain free, fruit sweetened, full of good fats, and organic superfoods too!


  • "cocoa for coconuts" Energy Bite Mix
  • 1/2 cup mashed bananas (approx 2 bananas)
  • 1/3 cup @fourthandheart Vanilla Ghee, or soft Coconut Oil

Mix with a fork, and press into a cheesecake pan. Place in the freezer while preparing the filling.


  • 3 frozen bananas (pre cut)
  • 1/4 cup Vanilla Ghee
  • 6oz @zumavalley Coconut Cream
  • If you prefer it sweeter, you can add 2T maple or a pinch of monk fruit

Mix everything together in a high speed blender or food processor. Pour into frozen crust, and refreeze for 3 hours.

TOPPING (when ready to serve)

  • 3 to 6oz @zumavalley coconut cream, whipped in a high speed blender
  • optional chocolate shavings, mini-chips or sprinkles.

We hope you enjoy this special summer recipe with simple, wholesome ingredients. Perfect for family gatherings and special occasions.

It's an added bonus that we get to support local female-founded brands we love like @zumavalley and @fourthandheart when creating no-bake recipes! xo Karen

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